Home Town Bats started like many of the wood bat businesses… For The Love of the Game.
My name is Ted Nytes and I own and operate Home Town Bats. I am a cabinet maker by trade and have grown up working with wood all my life. I play on an amateur ball club in Minnesota and have always wanted to turn my own bat. So a few years ago I bought a small hand lathe and began to mess around on it. I finally turned out a nice looking bat and decided to use it in my games. I did well with it. My first plate appearance I got my first single with it and then got my first double with it a game later. Two games after that I hit my first and only home run with it. It was a feeling I will never forget. Not only was it great to be able to hit base hits with a bat I made but to hit a home run was amazing. Home Town Bats have come a long way from that day! Now I use the best CNC lathe on the market and can produce exact bats time and time again. I can create custom bats to fit every hitter’s needs; including custom wood type, length, weight and color. Though things have been amped up over the years here at HTB I will always remember that home run. When you swing these bats you will also be able to experience the magic.